Get subscription by email


Please note that this endpoint requires the email to be URL encoded. Please reference your language’s documentation for the correct method of encoding.
Retrieve a single subscription belonging to a specific email address in a specific publication.

Path parameters

publicationIdstringRequiredformat: "^(pub_[0-9a-fA-F\-]+)$"

The prefixed ID of the publication object


The ID of the subscriber object

Query parameters


Optional list of expandable objects.
subscription_premium_tiers - Returns an array of tiers the subscription is associated with.
referrals - Returns an array of subscriptions with limited data - id, email, and status. These are the subscriptions that were referred by this subscription.
stats - Returns statistics about the subscription(s).
custom_fields - Returns an array of custom field values that have been set on the subscription.
tags - Returns an array of tags that have been set on the subscription.

Allowed values: statscustom_fieldsreferralstags




The subscription object


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