List subscriptions


Retrieve all subscriptions belonging to a specific publication

Path parameters

publicationIdstringRequiredformat: "^(pub_[0-9a-fA-F\-]+)$"

The prefixed ID of the publication object

Query parameters


Optional list of expandable objects.
subscription_premium_tiers - Returns an array of tiers the subscription is associated with.
referrals - Returns an array of subscriptions with limited data - id, email, and status. These are the subscriptions that were referred by this subscription.
stats - Returns statistics about the subscription(s).
custom_fields - Returns an array of custom field values that have been set on the subscription.

Allowed values: statscustom_fieldsreferrals
statusenumOptionalDefaults to all

Optionally filter the results by a status

tierenumOptionalDefaults to all

Optionally filter the results by a their tier

Allowed values: freepremiumall

Optionally filter the results by one or multiple premium tiers


Optionally filter the results by one or multiple premium tier ids


A limit on the number of objects to be returned. The limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.


Pagination returns the results in pages. Each page contains the number of results specified by the limit (default: 10).
If not specified, results 1-10 from page 1 will be returned.


Optional email address to find a subscription.
This param must be an exact match and is case insensitive.

order_byenumOptionalDefaults to created

The field that the results are sorted by. Defaults to created
created - The time in which the subscription was first created.
email - The email address of the subscription.

Allowed values: createdemail
directionenumOptionalDefaults to asc

The direction that the results are sorted in. Defaults to asc
asc - Ascending, sorts from smallest to largest.
desc - Descending, sorts from largest to smallest.

Allowed values: ascdesc



datalist of objects

The limit placed on the results. If no limit was specified in the request,this defaults to 10.


The page number the results are from. If no page was specified in the request, this defaults to page 1.


The total number of results from all pages.


The total number of pages.


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