Get segment


Retrieve information about a specific segment belonging to a publication

Path parameters

publicationIdstringRequiredformat: "^(pub_[0-9a-fA-F\-]+)$"

The prefixed ID of the publication object

segmentIdstringRequiredformat: "^(seg_[0-9a-fA-F\-]+)$"

The prefixed ID of the segment object

Query parameters

expand[]list of enumsOptional

Optionally expand the response to include additional data.
stats - Requests the most recently calculated statistics for a segment.
Segment stats are recalculated once daily around 7 a.m. UTC for dynamic segments, but can be manually recalculated at any time in the dashboard. Manual and static segments only calculate once upon upload or creation.

Allowed values: stats




The segment object. To expand results, see the results endpoint.


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